Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Beginning of a new Chapter

So it was recently placed on my heart to start a new blog on my Bible studies.  I wanted to at the beginning of the year but didn't have my laptop yet and we had some family things happening.  I'm really excited about this.  I have so many things I want to publish in this blog.  

1.) I will be adding a monthly prayer list that I'm going to try to set up for my followers to add there requests too  (bear with me as I'm new to this blog world and don't know all the tricks of the trade)

2.)  I also want to add a recipe area called Cooking with Grace.  Not really a bible thing but who doesn't want a new good recipe.

3.)  We will be doing a monthly Bible memory verse.  (starting in February)   

4.)  Finally for now maybe  also a list of 10 things I'm thankful for each day.

5.) Also the daily post on what I learned each day and how I can apply it to my life and maybe even yours.

I'm really excited about this and I'm praying that I can get this blog running and published to the best of my ability.


The Beginning of a new Chapter

So it was recently placed on my heart to start a new blog on my Bible studies.  I wanted to at the beginning of the year but didn't have...